City Government Technology and Innovation Models

Five trends to watch in

Building a GovTech Industry Family — The First Midwest GT Meetup

Push vs. Pull & the Opportunity for Automation in GovTech

21st Century Cities: A Primer

311 Inquiry, Machine Learning, and Automated Citizen Support

What I have learned from my many teachers

Alexa — let’s talk about open data standards

GovTech Sales Lessons Learned, 1/n — Pricing

Transparency: You cannot unring the bell.

In one picture — Why governments need CMOs…

Public Sentiments Toward Public Service?

TEDx: The Hack of the Century: Cities

Why We Do the Work.

Reconciling the Old and the New — America at the crossroads

Making Presentations from Spreadsheets

You Wouldn’t Understand Because You’re Not Actually a Public Servant!

Thoughts on what’s next for government innovation

How a City Can Build a Startup Pipeline