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How an Army of Techies is Taking on City Hall
Government Cloud Computing May Sustain Public Records
How To Cash In On Government As A Platform
The Next Big Start-Up Wave, Civic Technology
How Code for America Is Reinventing Government
Code for America opens civic accelerator in S.F.
Code for America Reinvents Government One Step At A Time
Agile2013 Keynote - The user experience in government software matters
Code for America Works to Build Innovation Ecosystem
Four Years In, Code for America's Experiments In Disrupting Govt Still Just The Beginning
The government needs to reform its relationship with technology
Grokking Democracy - A Political World Transformed by Digital Technology
Here are the advisors that will help Twilio bring telephony tech to non-profits
How can governments get information technology right?
Meet Los Angeles’s First Chief Data Officer
LA's First-Ever Chief Data Officer Loves Hackers
The Idea Drop - Treating the City of L.A. Like a Start-Up
Los Angeles rolls out a million-dollar VC fund just for city employees
The Venture Capitalist Who Wants to Move Your City Off 1990s Compaqs
LAs Chief Data Officer Empowers Angelenos to Grow the City
Building a Data-Driven Culture of Innovation (Q/A)
Chief data officer - Insight into a crucial role for the exabyte age
Los Angeles Tops U.S. City Open Data Census
Visionaries search for key to civic engagement in L.A.
Put data in the hands of the people
Mayor Garcetti has appointed Indian American Abhi Nemani as Los Angeles' first CDO
Chief Data Officer Abhi Nemani Leaves Los Angeles
9 public-sector Chief Data Officers to keep an eye on
This Is How Visualizing Open Data Can Help Save Lives
Obama turns to tech with new gun measures
Mayor Kevin Johnson and Abhi Nemani's Innovation Plan comes together
Can Sacramento become an entrepreneurship capital