In theory each sub-bullet would a class with 5–6, hour-long lectures/modules with quizzes attached to each module. This should lead to about 30+ courses students can mix and match, with faculty approval, for their certification in a bespoke *program* — eg data architect, digital services designer, etc — or they can just individual courses credits and are welcome to pick and choose.
Sign up for the latest updates and to be part of the discussion moving forward here:
Also there is a hope to partner with institutions with content in these areas already to leverage their expertise and work in building a more comprehensive curriculum. If you represent an organization that would like to discuss partnerships, please let me know: [email protected]
Again all very early thinking but I to build in the open. And I am very open to candid feedback.
Sample Course Topics
- Visualizations
- Charting
- Mapping
- Standards
- Databases
- Publishing Open Data
- Community building
- Data science
- Performance management
Build with, not for users
- Lean/Agile
- Human Centered Design & Research
- Accessibility
- Content strategy / good writing
- Partnerships with community groups
The Ecosystem
- Existing stack
- Field review
Recruiting & Teamwork
- Recruitment strategies
- Cross-functional teams — creating and managing
- Remote work
- Collaboration tools: GDocs etc
Social Media / Marketing
- Social media mastery
- Listening/sentiment analysis
- How to be a PIO (PR, push notifications)
- Boosting app/program engagement
- Design tools: 99 Designs, stock photos etc
- Procurement
- Budget
- “Building a tribe” — finding likeminded allies
- Ethics of open data, privacy, AI
- Inclusivity and anti-racism (unintended or intentional discrimination)
Digital services
- General overview: why, which, and how
- Best practices & multi-agency collaboration: interoperability, upsells, engaging form design, and follow ups / surveys
- Moving up in a digital services team
- Fiber/connectivity
- Cloud v on-premise
- IoT / Sensors
App Primers
- Excel / Google Sheets
- Slack
- Esri / CartoDB / Mapbox
- PowerPoint
- Tableau, SAP, and other reporting tools
- Various online tools (IFTTT, AirTable)
- Negotiation strategies
- Translating tech
- Perfecting the pitch
- Technology Roadmaps
- Open Data Policy
- Economic development for tech
- Gig economy partnerships (eg car sharing, micro-mobility)
Other activities
- Mentorship: pairing new folks with experienced civic tech leaders for career planning, networking, and on-the-ground insight into how civic Tech works.
- Cohorts/classes: Individuals from different government but working on the same team (eg digital services) could be paired up to complete joint assignment, effectively setting mew standards by jurisdiction’s collaborating.
- In-person deep dive: For governments wanting to engage a broader swath of participation, the academy could arrange on-site training, working hands on with front-line operators.
- Speakers Series: Monthly host a “fireside chat” with a civic tech leader as an open event, which will serve as a feeder for new students in the academy and enable the students to grow their own networks.
- From grade book to front page: Establish a respected, thought leadership blog. Student will be able to publish their coursework essays, visualizations etc, giving them stage to connect with a nation audience.