I tend to talk about how governments are changing, and using technology to do more with less in the 21st century — and how public servants and entreprenuers can take advantage of that.
If you are looking for insight on government technology, innovation, or civic engagement at your next event or conference, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Selected Presentations
- RiseConf2015, CDO as a Poor Man’s Hacker [deck] [press]
- NAGW: Keynote, Data, Delivery, and Design [video] [deck]
- Fabric of the City (Paris), Building an Open Data Community [video] [deck]
- Federal Communications Summit: Keynote, Government is What You Make of It [video] [deck] [press]
- Claremont McKenna College, Technology and the Liberal Arts [video] [deck]
- Philly Emerging Technology for Enterprise, Designing 21st Century Government [video]
- SXSW, Hacking for Sustainable Cities [press]
- Big Kansas City, Technology and the Liberal Arts [video]
- Making a Difference Asia, Civic Startups as Game Changers [video] [deck]
- Health DataPalooza, Core Principles of Open Data
- Personal Democracy Forum, Digital Inclusion and Open Government
- Digital Cities (Buenos Aires), A Tale of Two Cities [deck]
- Agile Alliance: Keynote, The Principles of Agile and of Government [video] [press]
- Next Generation of Government Leaders, How to be a Poor Man’s (Government) Hacker [deck] [press]
- World Bank, Spreading Innovation Around the Globe
- InciteXchange, Redesigning Citizenship [deck]